Colds, flu risk:
prevention and lasting cure
The misery of the cold season begins with a runny nose, sore throat, difficulty swallowing and a cough. It often ends up with a high temperature – a natural reaction of the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine considers the use of antipyretic (fever-reducing) drugs to be an unnatural way of lowering temperature because they block the natural course of the illness. This has a negative impact on the immune system.
Curing colds, not suppressing them
Treating colds with drugs that suppress the symptoms of the illness but prevent it from being fully cured weakens the immune system in the long term. Residual sites of infection and inflammatory substances collect in the body and can lead to far more serious chronic disorders at a later date. According to the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine, repeated, incompletely cured cold infections are contributory causes of various disorders and types of pain, allergies and other complaints.
What actually causes colds?
For Traditional Chinese Medicine, the life energy Qi is the driving force behind our health. If the Qi flow is disrupted or too little Qi is present, illness is the result. This also applies to colds, which can evolve into flu. Traditional Chinese Medicine considers that the interruption or lack of Qi flow are caused by pathogenic factors. These include viruses, bacteria, heat, injuries, hereditary predisposition, wrong diet and stress.
Unblocking the Qi flow and promoting the formation of Qi
TCM therapies combat the pathogenic factors that cause illness by channelling them out of the body. Qi begins to flow, the build-up of Qi is activated and the organism becomes stronger.
TCM reinforces the body’s defences in patients who are vulnerable to colds and flu. Treatment can prevent the illness from taking hold or weaken its impact.
During the illness:
If the illness is already present, a TCM therapy should be started quickly. The earlier this begins, the better the harmful effect of the pathogenic factors can be neutralized. The illness is allowed to run its natural course, but the severity of the symptoms is reduced.
Activating and building up the life energy Qi strengthens the body and the immune system and promotes rapid and natural recuperation. The TCM treatment channels the remaining sites of the infection and inflammatory substances entirely out of the body and bolsters the natural healing process. The result is that the immune system emerges strengthened from the cold.
TCM therapies: as individual as the health needs of the patient
There are no standardized approaches where Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies are concerned. Every person and every medical condition is different. This means that therapies must always be individually tailored to the specific health situation on the basis of a well-founded TCM diagnosis.